Liverpool can nick Premier League title - Stewart Downing

Manchester City may slip up in the next couple of games according to former Villa and Liverpool winger Stewart Downing

Downing believes Liverpool have solved an equation to scoring goals in tight games that could help them nick the Premier League title from leaders Manchester City, with five games remaining to the campaign's closing.

"I changed my mind honestly about four or five times in the last couple of weeks!" said Downing.

"I think City are still in the driving seat, you've got to give them that. But I just think Liverpool has momentum.

"I went to the game at the weekend, and they didn’t play great in the first half. But you always have that sense that they are going to score, they’ve got that solved, I didn’t worry about them. Anfield was rocking and I’ve just got a feeling that Manchester City may slip up in the next couple of games, maybe draw a game. And that is when Liverpool have got to be ready.

"Maybe that's from my heart, not from my head. But I think that Liverpool will just nick it in the end."

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